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Enrollment for the Foundation's special courses in the spring of 2023 is open

On February 06, 2023, the spring cycle of special courses of the Vega Institute Foundation in fundamental mathematics and mathematical finance starts. Courses are held online, with free access for students of Russian universities. You can register for the course until March 12 inclusive.

Who can participate?

• students of the 3rd-6th year of the specialist programme;
• 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students;
• students of 1st and 2nd year of Master's programme;
• postgraduate students;
• other categories of listeners.

What background will help you successfully master the courses?

You are getting education or have professional experience in the following areas:

• “mathematics” and related disciplines;
• “information technology” and related disciplines;
• economic specialties with an advanced mathematical base.

Is it possible to credit special courses at the university?

In case of successful completion of the course, you can get a certificate for presentation at the educational department of your university. For this you need:
• attend most of the classes in the course;
• successfully fulfill the mandatory requirements of the cumulative assessment, noted in the syllabus of the discipline.

For students of the faculties-partners of the Foundation (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, MSE MSU), statements are formed centrally and sent by the Foundation directly to the faculties before the end of the examination session.

Everyone who signed up for special courses always have the opportunity to be in the status of a free listener on the course.

Special courses of the spring semester:

• Introduction to Machine Learning
• Introduction to Financial Mathematics
• Game Theory
• Malliavin calculus
• Rough paths and regular structure
• Martingales, optimal transport, and model-independent hedging
• Applied Mathematical Finance II
• Numerical Methods in Finance II

You can sign up for a course and find out more information on the courses page on our website.