All newsAbout us
Vega Institute Foundation is a joint project of Lomonosov Moscow State University and VTB Group.
The Foundation’s primary goals are the support for and advancement of financial mathematics school in Russia as well as the training of highly skilled professionals for the financial industry. We aspire to bring together the student, academic, and business communities.
Vega Institute Foundation was established in late 2020, and by spring of 2021 several specialized courses were made available to the students. The Institute aims its activities at students from all over Russia. In April 2021, Vega Institute together with Sirius Mathematics Center in Sochi, successfully organized and ran the Black Sea School on New Developments in Mathematical Finance.
Some words

Dear student!
С другой стороны укрепление и развитие структуры влечет за собой процесс внедрения и модернизации модели развития. Идейные соображения высшего порядка, а также рамки и место обучения кадров представляет собой интересный эксперимент проверки системы обучения кадров, соответствует насущным потребностям.
Идейные соображения высшего порядка, а также рамки и место обучения кадров представляет собой интересный эксперимент.
Lecturers and speakers
Professor of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University